PPG Newsletter Issue 2


December 2024

At the last meeting of the PPG a number of issues were discussed and one problem was solved.

Patients may worry about the ‘Avon collective action’ letter that was recently sent to all patients.  At the meeting the action was explained more fully and we left feeling less anxious.  

Please be aware that most referrals will still go through without any problem.  More complicated situations may remain the responsibility of the hospitals, but we were assured that if this is the case the surgery will help with ensuring you have that support. 

This action needs to be taken in order to our keep our doctors fit and healthy to continue to do this very stressful job. 



The PPG group now has notice boards in both waiting rooms where our newsletters and further information will be displayed. The PPG can be accessed on the surgery website by clicking on the ‘about us’ tab and scrolling down to PPG. There you will find the latest newsletter.

For people who do not have a computer, copies are available in the waiting areas. The PPG welcome any comments/questions for things that can make our surgeries work more efficiently for us all.  

We are still working on an easy way for you to contact us but meanwhile please just speak to a receptionist.


Published: Jan 10, 2025